Special Educational Needs & Disability Provision

Here at Intrepid Ventures we understand what it is like to not follow the norm. As teachers and staff that have worked with children for many years, we have seen a rise in the need for getting back to nature, for being active, and for learning in a more free flowing natural fashion.

We work with children with SEND and hope to engage them (most of the time) with amazing activities! Yes, every need is different and that’s why our activities are fluid and inspiring. Differentiation is often by way of outcome and therefore eliminates that feeling of being marginalized. We have worked with local authorities & Schools to bring about excellent outcomes via our activities including communication, self reflection, self recognition, confidence, determination, perseverance, growth mindset, risk taking, risk assessing and many more key life skills.

So how do we know your child is likely to enjoy it?

The simple answer is experience! We have delivered to thousands of children from mainstream education, SEN, and those children with disabilities. There really is something for everyone, we are adaptable in our approach to ensure if the activity is not right for your child, they can experience something different. Mass participation is one of our activity targets and encouraging children to be inquisitive is part of that success to get them to join in. If they don’t try it they will never know what they might be missing out on!!!!


Southend On Sea Short Breaks Activity Days

April 06 - May 18 2024 (Saturdays) - Belfairs Academy

9am - 12pm - £20 day rate

The Southend On Sea Short Breaks team and Intrepid Ventures have come together to create this excellent opportunity for children and young adults with disabilities. As part of our drive to ensure there are opportunities for all, Intrepid Ventures will be organising activity days on a Saturday specific for SEND children in the Southend Borough. The activities will be held at Belfairs Academy, Leigh On Sea. We ask that all attending children/young adults are accompanied by one adult or carer for the day. All children attending must be a Southend resident. Dates are as follows;

06 April - 13 April - 20 April - 27 April - 11 May - 18 May

This is a fantastic opportunity and one not to be missed! Following on from the six activity days, there will be a full weekend of the ‘Intrepid Festival of Adventure’ in the spring/summer with lots more activities to choose from. Look out for the dates coming very soon for the Festival.

Ealing Borough Holiday Club - Belvue School

May 2024 Half term - Dates Confirmed!

28 & 30 May - Belvue School

11am - 3pm - £60 day rate